Kevin Gallagher's Website


This site serves as the personal page of Kevin Gallagher, an Assistant Professor at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.


Current Projects




Email me at k.gallagher [at]!


I am currently working to guide masters students through their first research experiences, preparing them the critical thinking and problem solving skills they need to move on to industry or to continue an academic career.

Current Students

Masters Students

Pedro Dimas

Integrating Decentralized IAM in Active Directory and LDAP
Expected Completion: May 2025

Tiago Guerra

Scanning the Web for Tor Browser Friendliness
Expected Completion: May 2025

Ricardo Romão

Privacy-aware Multicasting Over Tor
Expected Completion: Sep. 2024

Romão Costa

Examining the Usability Implications of the Signal Encryption Protocol
Expected Completion: Sep. 2024

Inês Oliveira

LGBTQIA+ Privacy
Expected Completion: Dec. 2024

Rui Genovevo

Improving Tor’s Traffic Analysis Protection using Differential Privacy
Expected Completion: 2024

Graduated Students

Masters Students

João Silva

Siphon: Towards removing ineficiente gas patterns from Smart Contracts
Completed: May 2024

Guilherme Gaspar

SmartSecureChain: Studying Common Attacks Against Smart Contracts
Completed: Dec. 2023

Rui Costa

Dynamic Smart Contracts to Fill Large Food Orders from Small Suppliers
Completed: Dec. 2023

Afonso Gomes

Thwarting Traffic Confirmation Attacks in Tor with Rendezvous Mixing
Completed: Dec. 2023

Tiago Fournigault

Decentralizing Deliberation for DAOs
Completed: Dec. 2023

Margarida Lopes

Mitigating Rogue Administrator Attacks in Democratic Institutions Using New Access Control Methods
Completed: June 2023

Stefan Kwant

The Not-So Disruptive Nature of Blockchain Technology: A Systematic Review
Completed: April 2023

Diogo Nogueira

Preventing misinformation with a private blockchain: A case study on a news industry application
Completed: Dec. 2022